I’m proud to announce that the awesome team at Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House has completed a little book project I helped to develop earlier this year!
I jumped off the high dive and sent my first query email
Today was a big day. I sent my first ever query email to a publishing agent, along with a manuscript of my children’s book. Truly, I was extremely nervous beforehand. Even though I knew I had done my best with the email and book, I still hesitated. I felt serious …
I redesigned my website – achievement unlocked!
How great does my new website look? I just redesigned the entire site, wrote a whole ton of new content, and I’m super happy with the results
Watch neo-noir Kickstarter short Blue Borsalino
Short film Blue Borsalino is a neo-noir tale of a retired detective haunted by the past. Now you can watch it in full here, and enjoy a Q&A I did with the director too.
Alcohol guidelines are not the end of the world, Britain
Alcohol guidelines – who would have thought such a mild nudge could cause such outrage? But that’s the case in Britain this week.
The Hateful Eight is hell on Earth and I loved it
Quentin Tarantino’s The Hateful Eight is a hellish ball of bloody fury. And when all hell breaks loose, it’s a cinematic bloodbath.
Vancouver real estate...We finally bought in!
In the space of only two months, we have bought our own condo in this gorgeous city. Here’s our story – and some Vancouver real estate recommendations!
How Justin Trudeau fought the Right and won in Canada
A look at Justin Trudeau’s election campaign, in light of Fight The Right: A Manual For Surviving the Coming Conservative Apocalypse by Warren Kinsella.
New women’s politics and economics writing prize
The British New Statesman magazine and Virago publishing company have announced a new prize for women who write about politics and economics.
How to have an awesome time in Brussels, Belgium
Going to boring Brussels? Here’s where to grab a beer, gorge on frites and get your tourist groove on – from someone who lived there!